ASAP Installation Could Not be Completed With Error: " Bundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt "
(Doc ID 2307168.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 05, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Communications ASAP - Version 7.2.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
ASAP silent installer is failing with the following error :
Bundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt. Testing bundled JRE
Complete Error Stack :
15:50:26 TASK [install-asap : Execute the ASAP installer] *******************************
15:50:26 task path: /xxxxx/apps/user_home/workspace/install-asap-red/install-wls-app/roles/install-asap/tasks/main.yml:53
15:50:50 fatal: [<SERVER_NAME>]: FAILED! => {"ansible_job_id": "390994945674.15889", "changed": true, "cmd": "runuser -l '<USER>' -c \"cd /xxxxx/apps/asap/binaries/ASAP_7.2/asap_utils && ./asap72ServerSilent\"", "delta": "0:00:00.820152", "end": "2017-08-31 19:50:22.631180", "failed": true, "finished": 1, "rc": 1, "start": "2017-08-31 19:50:21.811028", "stderr": "", "stdout": "\u001b[H\u001b[JCopying the blank wallet to ./cwallet.sso ...All the credentials have been successfully added to the CSF wallet.\nMove wallet to /home/asapadm/cwallet.sso\nCSF_BASE is set to /home/asapadm\nStarting the Silent Installation !!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\tBundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt. Testing bundled JRE failed.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nError : Silent Installation could not get completed successfully !!", "stdout_lines": ["\u001b[H\u001b[JCopying the blank wallet to ./cwallet.sso ...All the credentials have been successfully added to the CSF wallet.", "Move wallet to /home/<DIR>/cwallet.sso", "CSF_BASE is set to /home/<DIR>", "Starting the Silent Installation !!!", "", "", "", "", "", "\t\t\t\t\tBundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt. Testing bundled JRE failed.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Error : Silent Installation could not get completed successfully !!"], "warnings": []}
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