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Report Is Stuck In EDI IN - Single Case E2B is Generating fine but fails on Transmission with warning: Unable to encode XML string due to following reason Error has occurred on Line: 0, Source Text: , Error Code: 0 (Doc ID 2348127.1)

Last updated on JULY 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 On Applications Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety Version:

Receive an error while transmitting a report to FDA (report generates fine however fails during transmission) e.g.

'Unable to encode XML string due to following reason Error has occurred on Line: 0, Source Text: , Error Code: 0.'

This issue occurs only for single case, other cases submit fine to same agency e.g. FDA, so issue is NOT related to below notes/issues which report similar:

  1. Unable to encode XML string due to following reason Error has occurred on Line: 0, Source Text: , Error Code: 0" (Doc ID 1275858.1)
  2. ESM Error Generating Xml Files - Error has occurred on Line: 0, Source Text: , Error Code: 0 (Doc ID 1942091.1)
  3. XML R2 Report Is Not Getting Transmitted (Doc ID 2306041.1)
  4. E2B Reports Transmission Via Bulk Reporting Screen Is Failing (Doc ID 1369985.1)
  5. E2B XML not generating when using URLs in Message DTD & ACK DTD fields (Doc ID 2105216.1)
  6. Many warnings in ACK error logs e.g. Unable to generate the EDI Header/Footer from stored procedure esm_pkg_nondlp.edi_wrapper (Doc ID 2204802.1)
  7. Required Changes in Argus Safety for the FDA Message and ACK DTD URLs Change (Doc ID 2248653.1)

Even after deleting the existing report and re-generating report transmit error is the same.

Originally an imported case, thus appears to be a data related issue.




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