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Data Is Not Getting Populated In "Summary Tabulation" Section On Generating NDA ORA-00904: "CASE_EVENT_ASSESS"."LICENSE_ID": invalid identifier (Doc ID 2376207.1)

Last updated on JULY 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety - Version 8.1.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 On Applications Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety Version : 8.1.1

Data is not getting populated in "Summary Tabulation" section on generating the ICH PSUR or CTPR when option to "Use Datasheet Assessment for UDF Tabulations" is checked.

Below appears in error log. Notice that the license_id column is not present in the inline query using table "user_event_listed " below:

Argus Safety.COM :- Oracle error 1 occurred.
ORA-00904: "CASE_EVENT_ASSESS"."LICENSE_ID": invalid identifier
SQL: SELECT SUM(CID) CID, row1, row2, col1, col2 FROM (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT case_event.case_id || '.' || case_event.seq_num) cid, CASE_EVENT.body_sys row1, CASE_EVENT.pref_term row2, NVL(L1.listedness, 'NULL') col2, CASE_PRODUCT.product_name col1 FROM CASE_MASTER, CASE_EVENT, lm_listedness L1, (select case_id, prod_seq_num, event_seq_num, decode(listed, 1, 1, 0, 2, NULL) det_listedness_id from user_event_listed where user_id =:P_USER_ID) CASE_EVENT_ASSESS, CASE_PRODUCT WHERE case_master.state_id <> 1 AND case_master.case_id = case_event.case_id anD L1.listedness_id (+) = case_event_assess.DET_LISTEDNESS_ID AND CASE_EVENT_ASSESS.LICENSE_ID <> 0 AND case_master.case_id = CASE_EVENT_ASSESS.case_id AND case_master.case_id = CASE_PRODUCT.case_id AND CASE_EVENT.SEQ_NUM = CASE_EVENT_ASSESS.EVENT_SEQ_NUM AND CASE_PRODUCT.SEQ_NUM = CASE_EVENT_ASSESS.PROD_SEQ_NUM AND CASE_EVENT.pref_term <> 'NULL' and case_master.case_id in (/* construct userdefinedsummaryengine.cpp,2,44301300 */ SELECT CASE_ID FROM USER_PSUR_CASE_REG_RPTS WHERE REG_REPORT_ID = 44301300 ) GROUP BY CASE_EVENT.body_sys, CASE_EVENT.pref_term, NVL(L1.listedness, 'NULL'), CASE_PRODUCT.product_name) GROUP BY row1, row2, col1, col2
PL/SQL Call Stack:
1 __anonymous_block

Steps to replicate the issue

Logically when this is checked, For the User Defined CDA Tabulations, on selection of Listedness as a column, the report respects the Data sheet selected within the PSUR Report configuration for the Report Type selected
when determining the listedness.

If there is no data sheet selected, then the most conservative listedness shall be chosen i.e. Unlisted followed by Listed.


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