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PDC Is Unable To Commit Charge Offer With ERROR As ECE_OFFERING_VALIDATION_RULE Violation (Doc ID 2440995.1)

Last updated on MARCH 29, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, User Interface

Test Scenario:

After upgrading to PDC, while importing the old charge-offer, the following validation ERROR occurs:

1. "CHARGE_OFFERING" with name "Daily Allowance 100MB" and entity ID "11073081" has validation failures.
2.  Custom Rule ECE_OFFERING_VALIDATION_RULE violation : The Charge/Alteration Offer "Daily Allowance 100MB" is using "DA" policy specification. Not all the balance elements configured in the counter policies of the policy specification are configured in this Charge/Alteration Offer. This Charge/Alteration Offer does not have the configuration for the balance element "DA QOS Indicator" with numeric code "1000103" respectively.

Note that the charge-offer contains the balance impact of 1000103.

Question:How to avoid such errors?


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