Cannot Determine SRQ ID Range Of Orders to Be Purged - SSP_get_srqid_purge_range Returns a -2
(Doc ID 2446291.1)
Last updated on MARCH 30, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications ASAP - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
We have configured SARM Purge which will be trigged every day to delete orders older than 2 days. In the SARM Purge Log, we noticed the following error.
SARM Diag:
# Multi-Threaded Database Purging Parameters specific to SARM server
DB_PURGE_THREADS = 20 # Number of threads to purge the orders in parallel (Range: 1-50)
DB_PURGE_DAYS = 2 # Purge orders older than this number of days (Range: >=0)
DB_PURGE_COMMIT_ROWS = 1000 # Commit after this number of rows have been deleted (Range: >=1)
DB_PURGE_ORPHANS_ENABLED = 1 # Enable or disable the orphan purge (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
DB_PURGE_MAX_TIME = 0 # Maximum time (minutes) that the purge is allowed to run (Range: >=0, 0 = No limit)
DB_PURGE_LOG_INTERVAL = 5 # Time interval (minutes) between purge progress log messages (Range: >=1)
DB_PURGE_GET_RANGE_PROC = SSP_get_srqid_purge_range # Stored procedure to get SRQ_ID range of the orders
DB_PURGE_RANGE_PROC = SSP_purge_wo_in_srqid_range # Stored procedure to purge orders in a SRQ ID range
Due to this the SARM isn't purging any orders. Can you please let us know, when the error comes and how to avoid this.
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