Status Messages For Complex Activity Visits Fail During Sync Request Processing
(Doc ID 2456750.1)
Last updated on MAY 31, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management - Version to [Release 2.3]Oracle Real-Time Scheduler - Version to [Release 2.3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
**Any examples provided in this article do not represent real life personal/confidential information**
**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:
MWM - Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management
BO - Business Object
**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:
MWM - Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management
BO - Business Object
Status messages (dispatched, enroute, onsite, etc) fail during sync request generation because the current script cannot retrieve a host external ID from the M1-VISIT BO.
This causes the sync request to fail to a retry state which then repeats this same error at every sync request interval forever.
Host External ID is required
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1) Create a complex activity.
2) Make sure that visits are generated.
3) Dispatch a visit to a crew.
4) Have the crew go enroute, onsite.
5) Look at the sync request table for those messages. Message failed and a todo generated due to a missing external host ID value.
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