/item/adjustment is Created Instead of /item/cycle_forward_arrear
(Doc ID 2465823.1)
Last updated on APRIL 10, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
On Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management version, after re-rating, an /item/adjustment object is being created instead of an /item/cycle_forward_arrear object for a cycle arrear event when billing in advance.
For for cycle 23rd July-23rd August, the new cycle event which created with the new price should associated to /item/cycle_forward_arrear not /item/adjustment
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Create a product with following settings:
- Event Type: cycle_forward_arrear
- Cycle Alignment: Alignment with purchase
- Bill in advance 1 month
- Set allocate_rerating_adjustments 0
2. 1st May: Create an account with a dummy product.
3. 23rd May: Add a cycle arrear product with billing in advance by 1 month, use override amount with PIN_FLD_CYCLE_FEE_AMT=500
Two cycles are created:
23rd May - 23rd June → balance impact 500
23rd June - 23rd July → balance impact 500
4. 1st June: Run billing → Nothing is billed since cycles are arrears (bill created with 0 amount)
5. 23rd June: Run pin_cycle_fees → Arrear cycle is created for 23rd July - 23rd August → Balance impact 500
6. 1st July: Run billing → Events created in step 2 are billed (Bill Created with 1000)
7. 23rd July: Run pin_cycle_fees → Arrear cycle is created for 23rd August-23rd Sep → Balance impact 500
8. Change product price by running PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PRODINFO. The following input flist is used (from June 21st):
NOTE: If one bill [ on 1st Aug and 1st Sept] the bill amount is showing the correctly. The two bills show different behavior. Our expectation is what we get for the second bill, the first bill seems to be incorrect although the final amount is the right one.
For the last cycle created (23rd August - 23rd September) everything seems to be fine. Customer Center shows:
- An item with $0 and two events associated. The original one (POID: 311997441650921456) and an /event/billing/adjustment/event (POID: 311997441650924178) that nullifies the original event
- Another cycle event with the new price (POID: 311997441650924946), associated to an /item/cycle_forward_arrear, as expected
All these items are associated to the same bill object and all of them are in status pending
But for cycle 23rd July-23rd August one see the following:
- The original event associated to a different bill object and status pending (POID: 311469676069585586)
- A new cycle event with the new price but associated to an /item/adjustment (POID: 311997441650923154) instead of /item/cycle_forward_arrear with status billed and no bill object associated (POID: 311997441650925202)
- An /event/billing/adjustment/event also associated to /item/adjustment (POID: 311997441650922642) nullifying the original event and also with status billed (POID: 311997441650924690)
These last two events are not generated in the expected way.
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