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Latest Measurement Data/Time is not Updated when an Estimate Fails Even When there are Actual Subsequent Measurements Finalized (Doc ID 2478873.1)

Last updated on JUNE 03, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management - Version and later
Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Cloud Service - Version 21A to 21A [Release 21]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


**Any examples provided in this article do not represent real life personal/confidential information**

**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:

MDM - Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management

MC - Measuring Component

IMD - Initial Measurement Device

VEE - Validation Estimation and Editing

On : version, Measurement

Periodic Estimation Latest Measurement Data Time.

Periodic estimation created a lot of VEE Exception or Discarded IMD. Periodic estimation process looks at the Latest Measurement Date/Time in MC to determine whether estimation is needed or not. If the estimation failed for some reason and there is good future read, the Latest Measurement Date/Time was never updated. This situation create a lot of VEE Exception or Discarded IMD forever and ever.

Recovery from failed VEE on an estimation IMD

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Run Periodic estimation to produce an Estimate on the day after the Latest Measurement Date/Time.
  2. Force estimation IMD to fail VEE (set up data such that it will not pass validation and go to Exception state).
  3. Bring in additional regular IMDs ending 2 days after the Latest Measurement Date/Time.
  4. The next time Periodic Estimation runs, another IMD is created on the day after the Latest Measurement Date/Time and fails again.
  5. Notice upon future runs of Periodic Estimation and after many regular daily reads are entered, the same IMD keeps getting created and going to Exception and the Latest Measurement Date/Time stays as it was originally and is never updated to be current.

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users believe there is no recovery of the system after a failed estimation.




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