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MFile Lookups Failing in NCC/3C (Doc ID 2557006.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version and later
Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC or NCC) and Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller (OC3C or 3C) version, the Number Portability (NP) Service Pack and Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Interactive Services or Gateway (UIS or USSD_GW) Memory File (MFile) lookups always fail to return any results despite the data being correctly configured.

An MFile is a binary dump of frequently accessed service data which the target application loads into memory for faster lookups (as opposed to querying the database).

It is not possible to tell from the logs alone if this issue is due to this bug or if the data is actually missing/misconfigured.  Debug will need to be captured to determine which is the case, but if the 3C/NCC version is, then this bug is very likely to be the cause.

This issue does not affect the Charging Control Services (CCS) MFiles.


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