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Prev Quantitiy SQ Is Not Fetched In BSeg For Billable Charge SA (Doc ID 2558867.1)

Last updated on APRIL 29, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Version to [Release 2.6]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, RT - Rates

When using Previous Quantity functionality on billable charge bill segment and the period has gaps, the previous quantity is not returned properly

Previous Quantity for Billable Charge bill segment should be retrieved accordingly

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1.Define Calculate Service Quantity (SQ) calculation rule that retrieves Previous Quantity and return it as SQ
Looks for KWH UOM and store it as Test SQI. If Missing Value, use Default Value of -1
2. Define Rate Schedule that references the calculation rule
Set Installation Option for Bill Segment Freeze Option to Freeze at Bill Completion
3. Have an account setup for billable charges
Create Billable Charge for Period 1. Populate SQ details for the billable charge KWH = 12
Generate bill segment
4. Notice that the Previous Quantity SQ is zero since this is the first bill segment for the SA. It is not considered a Missing Value
Complete Bill
5. Create Billable Charge for Period 2. Ensure that the Start Date is equal to the End Date of Period 1
Populate SQ details for the billable charge
Generate bill segment
6. Notice that the Previous Quantity SQ is correctly retrieved from Period 1 frozen bill segment SQ collection
Previous Quantity is stored correctly as Test SQI = 12. Consumption KWH = 25
Complete Bill
7. Create Billable Charge for Period 3. Ensure that the Start Date is not equal to the End Date of Period 2 (i.e. add 1 day).
Populate SQ details for the billable charge
Generate bill segment
8. Notice that the Previous Quantity SQ is -1 (instead of 25) because even if there exists a previous bill
segment Period 2, it is considered a missing value when there is a gap between periods




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