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Glassfish Process Crashes After Large Memory Growth In Native Heap On Solaris 11.4 (Doc ID 2573669.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 02, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Convergence - Version 3.0.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Installing Convergence on the Solaris 11.4 platform results in the PKCS library being enabled by the JDK.
This can cause the native heap (not JVM heap) to grow and grow until the process crashes.

This issue is applicable to both GF or Weblogic containers on the Solaris 11.4 platform.


$ ps -o pid,vsz,rss,stime,comm -p 'pgrep java'
14207 27318628 13706004 Jun_13 /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.7.0/bin/amd64/java

Pmap output shows that the native heap has grown to nearly 14G (4194288K + 4194272K + 4194240K + 1308608K):



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