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Unexpected CAP Component Causes Fatal Engine Errors in CCS Feature Nodes (Doc ID 2578297.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 4.3.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On all versions of Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC or NCC), it is possible for a Fatal Engine Error to occur in Feature Nodes (FNs) that are waiting for a response from the Voucher Wallet Servers (VWS') if there is unexpected Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Application Part (CAP) signalling/message flow.

For example, if a subscriber's funds have been exhausted, Advanced Control Services (ACS) on the Service Logic Controller (SLC) will return an applyCharging (aCH) message with the releaseIfDurationExceeded flag set.  This flag instructs the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to release the call if the granted funds have been exhausted.

In this situation, there are 2 possible call flows:

1. An eventReportBasicCallStateModel (eRBCSM) which contains the triggering event (eg. oDisconnect) followed by an applyChargingReport (aCR) with the timeIfNoTariffSwitch element contain the used units
2. An applyChargingReport (aCR) with the callActive flag set to false

In the second scenario, it is ambiguous as to whether ACS should expect an eventReportBasicCallStateModel (eRBCSM).

ACS assumes NO eRBCSM will be received in the second scenario and will exit the Universal Attempt Terminate to pending with Billing (UATB) node and continue with the rest of the Control Plan.

Depending on the rest of the CP, this may not have any problems but if there are FNs that query external (to the SLC) services, the unexpected eRBCSM can cause a Fatal Engine Error to be thrown by the current FN.

The above example is from the Refresh Subscriber Information node.


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