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Recharge Real Time Wallet Notifications Not Sent for Grovelled Wallets with Expired Credit Plan Periodic Charges (Doc ID 2595552.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 4.3.0 to [Release 4.3 to 12.0.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On all versions of Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC or NCC) up to and including, recharging action Real Time Wallet Notifications (RTWNs) are never sent for balances that are recharged by a Credit Plan Periodic Charge (PC).

The expired PC is correctly renewed and the voucher type that the PC is applying is correctly applied but no RTWN is ever sent.

This issue can be reproduce by:

1. Create a new (or use an existing) subscriber, recharging RTWN, voucher type, and Credit Plan PC
2. Subscribe the subscriber to the new PC
3. Drop the balance type granted by the voucher type to a lower value
4. Stop the Service Logic Execution Environment (SLEE) on the Voucher and Wallet Server (VWS) and shift the START_DATE, LAST_USE, and EXPIRY_DATE dates in BE_BUCKET table for the PC (that the subscriber belongs to) back a month
5. Start the SLEE and wait for the beGroveller to find the expired bucket and send the Wallet ID to the beVWARS for processing

As a result, any service logic associated with the RTWN is never triggered.


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