AutoPromote Fails When SmartRule: Multiple Items Per ManufPart is Set to Warning
(Doc ID 2612707.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Agile Product Collaboration - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Actual Behavior
When SmartRule: Multiple Items per ManufPart is set to Warning, and manufacturer part which is associated with multiple items is redline added, AutoPromote fails after user approves the workflow
Expected Behavior
When SmartRule: Multiple Items per ManufPart is set to Warning, and manufacturer part which is associated with multiple items is redline added, AutoPromote to work after user approves the workflow
What is Working
When "Items Released First" is set to Warning, AutoPromote works even if there is BOM item which is not released yet
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
- Login to Java Client as admin user, and confirm that smart rule is set to below:
Items Released First: Warning
Multiple Items per ManufPart: Warning - Open Default Change Order workflow, and open CCB status, and set AutoPromote to Yes
- Make sure Override on Change Order privilege is disabled
- Login to Web Client, and create P01 and P02
- Create ECO1, add P01 as a affected item, set Default Change Order workflow and release as Rev 1
- Create ECO2, add P01 as a affected item, set Default Change Order workflow, redline and add P02 as BOM item, set Rev to 2. Fill in all the required fields
- Run Audit Release, and make sure you only see below warning:
Unreleased child: P01 (P02) - Promote to CCB. AutoPrmote works and status changes to Released status
- Create P03, goto Manufacturer tab, and add Manufacturer Part MP01 with Manufacturer: Oracle
- Create ECO3, and release P03
- Create ECO4, add P01 as a affected item, set Default Change Order workflow, redline and MP01 as Manufacturer, set Rev to 3. Fill in all the required fields
- Run Audit Release, and make sure you only see below warning:
Manufacturer Part Oracle::MP01 is already associated with at least one part - Promote to CCB
- Check History. Notice that AutoPromote failed and status stays at CCB status.
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In this Document
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