Elasticsearch - 'Read-Only' Mode
(Doc ID 2630186.1)
Last updated on MARCH 30, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Messaging Server - Version 8.0.2 to 8.0.2 [Release 8.0.0]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Elasticsearch (ES) - 'Read-Only' Mode introduced in Oracle Communications Messaging Server (MS) as a result of Enh Bug 30133858 - 'Read-only mode to send data to Elasticsearch'
The purpose of this utility is to check the space consumed by the ES index on data that exists in the mailboxes. In other words, index size of existing users' mailbox data on ES search engine, while indexing and search service is continued to be supported by Oracle Communications Indexing and Search Service (ISS).
Upon triggering indexing of mailboxes in 'Read-Only' mode, each mailbox is queued in the purge queue with the task named "esindex", to be indexed by ES.
As the tasks are dequeued, the email on the store (user's mailboxes) are indexed by ES.
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