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Unable to Read Item When Opened From Affected Items Tab of the Pending Change (Doc ID 2654319.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Agile Product Collaboration - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Actual Behavior

Configured read privilege of the user so that user can read item with lifecycle phase other than preliminary.
However, when user is restricted to read item based on its lifecycle phase, cannot read item BOM information when the item is opened from pending change even though the user has the read privilege for the lifecycle phase of the latest released revision of the item.
Also gets error "Insufficient Privilege" is thrown when the affected item is selected from the pending change.

Expected Behavior

User is restricted to read preliminary item, but can read released item and its revision


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Log into Java Client as admin user, and create below criteria:
    - Name: Test-ReadPrototypeItems
    - Object Type: Items
    - Criteria: Items  Title Block.Lifecycle Phase In Prototype 
  2. Create below read privilege:
    - Name:Test-ReadPrototypeItemsPriv
    - Criteria: Test-ReadPrototypeItems
    - Applied To: All fields
  3. Create Role:"Test-ReadPrototypeItemsRole" with below privileges:
    - Approve / Reject Eng Changes
    - Discover Changes
    - Discover Items
    - Enforce Field Level Read
    - Read Changes
    - Test-ReadPrototypeItemsPriv
  4. Assign the role to user: user1
  5. Enable notification, and set notification "Change Orders - ECO Status Promotion, Approvers" will be received in Inbox
  6. Log into Web Client as admin user
  7. Create item P01, goto BOM tab and add child item P02. Create change C01, and add P01 and P02 as affected items and release these items as Rev 1, Lifecycle Phase (LCP):Pilot
  8. Create change C02, and add P01 and P02 as affected items and release these items as Rev 2, LCP: Prototype
  9. Create change C03, and add P01 as affected items, set Rev 3, LCP: Production, and route it to CCB status and add user: user1 as approver
  10. Log into Web Client as user1, and goto Inbox. From the notification, click change C03 and open
  11. Goto Affected Items tab. Select P01. See you get message "Insufficient Privilege" which is unexpected
  12. Open P01. Goto BOM tab. See all the BOM information is not readable. This is unexpected.
  13. Search for P01 and open. Goto BOM tab. Now you can see BOM tab information. This is expected.
  14. Goto Changes tab. Open C03 from Pending Changes list
  15. Goto Affected Items tab. Select P01. See you get message "Insufficient Privilege" which is unexpected
  16. Open P01. Goto BOM tab. See all the BOM information is not readable. This is not expected.




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