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How To Restart LSH/DMW 3.1 And Later Versions Successfully (Doc ID 2778036.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 13, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub - Version 3.0.0 and later
Oracle Life Sciences Data Management Workbench - Version 3.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to restart LSH/DMW services successfully?

Note: This document is applicable only for LSH/DMW 3.1 and later versions.

Please refer to Doc ID 2250628.1 for LSH/DMW 2.5.1 and prior versions and Doc ID 2689508.1 for LSH/DMW 2.5.2 Version and Doc ID 2733848.1 for LSH/DMW 3.0 Version.

There is no single command to startup LSH/DMW. It includes different processes/services with dependencies between them. If they are not stopped/started in the correct order, you may hit unexpected issues later, i.e., defunct processes alive in memory that may not permit the new/fresh ones are started up successfully, or services starting up with incorrect values/environment settings.

The technical details shared in this document are from DMW 3.1 Installation Guide, Chapter 3.7 Restart the WebLogic Server.

In summary, you need to execute below steps in order to accomplish a successful restart:

Below steps from this KM Document only apply when you are shutting down explicitly.

To Shutdown LSH/DMW:

  1. Enable DMW Maintenance Mode
  2. Stop Middle Tiers (DMW first then LSH)
  3. Stop DP Servers
  4. Shutdown the TNS listener and the DB

To start up LSH/DMW, you practically apply the reverse order:

  1. Start the DB and then, the TNS listener (CRITICAL: Make sure you wait 10 minutes before doing next step -> Start DP Servers)
  2. Start DP Servers
  3. Start Middle Tiers (LSH first then DMW)
  4. Disable DMW Maintenance Mode

This document explains above with step by step generic instructions, but feel free to create your custom shell script(s) if it facilitates this task. 


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In this Document
 Shut Down LSH/DMW
 1. Enable DMW Maintenance Mode
 2. Verify no Jobs are Executing
 3. Stop Middle Tiers (DMW first then LSH)
 4. Stop DP Servers
 5. Shutdown the TNS listener and the DB
 Start Up LSH/DMW
 5. Start the TNS listener and the DB
 5.1 Validate CPU capping
 6. Start DP Servers
 7. Start Middle Tiers (LSH first then DMW)
 8. Disable DMW Maintenance Mode

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