Issues Recording New Steps in Switch Plan After Redlining Steps in Previous Version of Sheet
(Doc ID 2802515.1)
Last updated on JUNE 04, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Utilities Network Management System - Version to [Release 2.3 to 2.5] Oracle Network Management for Utilities - DMS - Version to [Release 2.3 to 2.5] Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : version, Web Switching
Switching Plan Changes in Viewer not showing up on Switching Sheet
User will operate a device in the Viewer and the Viewer will reflect the change but it never gets recorded in the Switching Sheet.
We had another user try with the same specific Switching Order and they had the same results.
All other Switching Order are working as expected. Seems to be specific to this one Switching Order.
In some cases, new steps were not being properly inserted and saved to the database. Sometimes the GUI would show the steps correctly, but upon reloading the sheet, the steps would not reload correctly.
While testing, a few other issues were found and corrected. The issues that were found had to do with inserting steps when red-lined/deleted steps were were found just prior to where the new steps were being inserted.
Issues include: - Setting the parent step for newly recorded steps. If the parent (block) step is red-lined or hidden, then all steps in that block would be hidden as well. This was the case for this bug. - When adding steps to a sheet, insert new steps after the last visible step. This was not always occurring and step ordering when viewing different versions of the sheet could get jumbled. - The newly added step's version number was something being saved to the database under version 1. This would cause the step subnumbering to be incorrect if a user was viewing different versions of the sheet's steps.
2021-07-16 15:53:16,894 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '59' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO com.splwg.oms.service.hlmessage.QueueHandler: JMSException while creating destination. : user=e1230092, from=SwmanService, to=SwitchingList, message=UPDATE_ENTRIES, windowName= javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: : Failure to invoke public java.lang.Object org.jboss.weld.ejb.SessionBeanInterceptor.aroundInvoke(javax.interceptor.InvocationContext) throws java.lang.Exception on bean class class org.jboss.weld.ejb.SessionBeanInterceptor with args: [LifecycleEventCallbackInvocationContext(2025651960)]
How to Repeat
Scenario 1:
o Create a switching sheet. o Record 4 blank steps. o Check in the version of the sheet. o Insert a block step between the 4 blank steps. o Select the block step and delete it. This will delete the 2 children in that block as well. o If you differences with Version 1, you'll see the block step is gone and the two steps in it are red-lined (deleted). o Reload the sheet and navigate to the steps list. o Look at the differences with Version 1 again.
Expected Behavior:
The two steps are red-lined and the step numbers are 3 and 4.
Previous Behavior:
The steps were red-lined, but their numbers were not correctly shown. In some cases, any subsequent recording of steps could cause the steps list numbering to get messed up. Sometimes a tree Error would be produced into the log.
Scenario 2:
o Create a switching sheet. o Record 4 blank steps. o Insert a block step between the 4 blank steps. o Check in the version of the sheet. o Select the block step and delete it. This will delete the 2 children in that block as well. o If you differences with Version 1, you'll see the block step is red-lined and the two steps in it are red-lined (deleted). o Switch back to showing Current Version of the sheet's steps. o Go to the viewer, and record some steps into the sheet.
Expected Behavior:
The new steps show up in the sheet.
Previous Behavior:
The new steps are not visible as they are being placed within the hidden block step that was just previously marked as "Deleted".
Scenario 3:
o Close and reload the sheet created in Scenario 2. o Pull up the steps for this sheet. o Take note of the newly recorded steps from the Control Tool.
Expected Behavior:
The step's version should be 2.
Previous Behavior:
The last step to be recorded would get a version value of 1. If you look at the sheet's differences with Version 1, the newly added steps would not get sub-numbered correctly in the list.
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