Audit Status Through Agile SDK or PX Program, Exit Required Fields Are Not Displayed When Workflow Has Been Released Already
(Doc ID 2828160.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Actual Behavior
Agile SDK Program/Event Process Extension (PX) using IChange.audit() does not return missing required fields for released status when Workflow is already in Released status
Expected Behavior
Agile SDK Program/Event PX using IChange.audit() to return missing required fields for released status even when Workflow is already in Released status
What is Working
When running audit status from Web Client, it returns expected result for any released status
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
[Preparation for workflow and user privilege setting]
- Log into Java Client as admin user
- Go to Admin tab, and then navigate to Data Settings > Classes, and enable Change Order.Page Two.List01 attribute
- Go to User Settings > Privileges, and edit the modify privilege for Change Order to add this attribute to Applied to field. Add the privilege to the role granted for admin user
- Go to Workflow Settings > Workflow, and create a new Workflow "Test-MultipleRelease" with below status:
Pending -> Submit -> Review -> Released1 -> Released2 -> Released3 -> Complete - For Released2 status, set Workflow Criteria, and add Change Order.Page Two.List01 attribute as Exit Required field
- Go to User Settings > Privileges, and create Change Status privilege for Workflow "Test-MultipleRelease", and add it to the role granted to admin user
- Make sure Override privilege for Change Order is removed from the role granted to admin user
[Preparation for Event PX Setting]
- Build PX jar file with below code. This program will return:"The following required fields are missing:" when exit required fields are not filled in upon audit status, and will return "Done!" if all the required fields are filled in.
- Copy PX jar file to %Agile_Home%\integration\sdk\extensions
- Log into Java Client as admin user, and go to Admin tab > System Settings > Event Management > Events, and create a new event with below information:
Event Type: Approve for Workflow
Name: TestApproveForWorkflow2
Workflow: Test-MultipleRelease
Object Type: Change Orders - Go to Admin tab > System Settings > Event Management > Event Handler, and create below Event Handler:
Name: TestApproveForWorkflowEH2
Event Action: test.auditstatus.ApproveAudit - Go to Admin tab > System Settings > Event Management > Event Subscribers, and create below Event Subscriber:
Name: TestApproveForWorkflowES2
Event: TestApproveForWorkflow2
Event Handler: TestApproveForWorkflowEH2
Trigger Type: Pre
Execution Mode: Synchronous
Error Handling Rule: Stop
[Steps to Reproduce]
- Log into Web Client as admin user, and create ECO
- Set Workflow to Test-MultipleRelease
- Keep Page Two.List01 attribute blank, and route status to Released2. Add admin user as approver of Released2.
- Run Audit Status. See you get below error. This is expected:
The following required fields are missing: {Change Number}: Page Two.List01 - Approve status as admin user. User can approve. This is not expected. It should return missing required field and Approve action should be canceled.
- Check History tab. See User Defined Action has Details: "TestApproveForWorkflowEH2: Done!" recorded. This is not expected, and it is expected to return the missing field.
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