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ACS Export of aXML File Is Missing Dynamic List Attributes and Its Values (Doc ID 2850683.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Actual Behavior

Some of the dynamic list fields are missing from aXML exported by ACS (Agile Content Service)

Expected Behavior

All the required fields to be exported in aXML exported by ACS


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Log into Java Client as admin user, and go to Admin tab > System Settings > Agile Contents Service > Subscriber
  2. Confirm there is subscriber enabled with below configuration:
    Event: Workflow Event for status Released
    Filters: Default Part Filter, Default Change Order Filter
    Roles: Role including privileges to Read and Discover Change objects and Part objects, and Export
  3. Log into Web Client, and release ECO (Engineering Change Order)
  4. Wait till ATO (Automated Transfer Orders) is generated. To confirm, check History tab of the ECO, and confirm Export action has happened
  5. Check the ACS destination and see .aXML file is generated
  6. Unzip aXML file, and open the extracted agile.xml file with text editor
  7. See some of the dynamic fields in the Change object/Item object supposed to be extracted are missing in the file.
    For example: Change Analyst field, Originator field, and Page Two.List field associated to Customer dynamic list field


Upgraded from 9.3.1 to 9.3.6


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