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During Rerating On Member Progressive Tier Charges Are Not Consuming From Counter (Doc ID 2852586.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Rerating/Rebilling

During Rerating DSG Member(child 2) charges are not able to consuming from DSG owner[child 1] counter/bucket for the old months/bills/cycles. But same works for the current month/cycle.

After Rerating DSG Member(child 2)  charges should consume from DSG owner(child 1) counter/bucket.

A. Pricing and Discount configuration.
1. Progressive tier Offer: Is a charge offer created for usage event and it contains tier config like 0 to 5 , 6 to 10, 11 to 20 and etc for rating the usages.
2. M01 Commitment Offer: Is a charge offer created for Monthly cycle forward, which gives CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 [1115011], CMT_Initial_counter_0210100055 and few other counter. In this CMT_LEFT_counter_0210100085 and CMT_Initial_counter_0210100055 are granted with -1000.
3. There is discount (TD.GEN.M01_AVD_5): Trigger Bal(CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100055) < 0 and In rule it consume/reduce the value of CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 non-currency.
4. There is Billing time discount[BTD] : which covert the remaining non-currency CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 value to currency.
5. There is 1 parent account and 2 child accounts[non-paying].

B. Here the steps followed to reproduce the issue.
a. 1st Jan: Create Parent account with dummy server, ShipTo1(child1) is created with both charge offers (M01 Commitment Offer and Progressive tier Offer) and ShipTo2(child2) created with charge offers (Progressive tier Offer).
b. Create DSG at  ShipTo1 and it became the owner of the same and Add ShipTo2(child2) as member of DSG.
NOTE: The purpose here is , if any usage happens on ShipTo1 and ShipTo2, it should it reduced  the value from CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085.
c. Usage is done on ShipTo2 with quantity 5 and it created $147.5 and same value got reduced  the value from CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085
d. Usage is done on ShipTo1 with quantity 5 and it created $150 and same value got reduced  the value from CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085, so you can see PROG USAGE TRACKER is having total quantity 10 and CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 is having -702.5.
e. Move the pvt 1st Feb and run the billing.  Reset the value of CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 (1115011) and CMT_Initial_counter_0210100085 to -1000 .
Owner: Total first bill created with $928.16 ($702.5) from CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 + $150 usage charge + $75.66 (tax charge).
Member: $160.59 ($147.5 usage charge + $13.09 (Tax amount)).
f. Repeat the steps c and d
g. Move the pvt 1st Mar and run the billing.  Reset the value of CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 [1115011] and CMT_Initial_counter_0210100085 to -1000 .
Owner: Total second bill created with $928.16 ($702.5 from CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 + $150 usage charge + $75.66 (tax amount)).
Member: $160.59 ($147.5 usage charge + $13.09 (tax amount)).
h. Repeat the steps c and d, CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 is having -702.5.
Owner: Bill in progress showing: $150
Member: Bill in progress showing : $147.5

i. Move the to Match 10th, Run Rerating with backout option for owner(shipto1) NOTE: all the non-currency are showing some non-zero values
pin_rerate -t 01/01/2021 -a <account_poid> -backout
pin_rerate -process jobs
pin_rerate -process queue
pin_rerate -rerate
pin_rerate -process queue

j. Run rerating with backout for member (shipto2): with similar steps like above. NOTE: all the non-currency are showing zero values.

k. Now, run normal Rerating for owner(shipto1) to re-apply charges,
pin_rerate -t 01/01/2021 -a <account_poid>
pin_rerate -process jobs
pin_rerate -process queue
pin_rerate -rerate
pin_rerate -process queue

  A. First bill
  i. $150 usage charge got changed to $200 as expected.
  ii. But CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 was having -702.5, now it should  become -552.5 [-1000+ 200 from owner + 247.5 from member[after member get rerated] ] but it shows 800 [-1000+200]. <---This is the   issue

  Expected first bill after rerating
  200+552.5= $752.5

  Actually first bill after rerating
  200+800= 1000$. [Here one can see that member 247.5 value is not consider here. This is the issue here.]

  B. Second bill
  Same issue like first bill

l. Now, run normal Rerating for member(shipto2) , same steps followed like above step k.

  A. First bill
  i. $147.5 usage charge got changed to $247.5 as expected.
  ii. But CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 not got updated <----------This is the issue

  Expected first bill show after rerating
  247.5+0= $247.5

  Actually first bill after rerating
  247.5+0= $247.5

  B. Second bill
  Same behavior like first bill

So bill amount wise no issue in member, Only concerns/issue here is CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 not got updated with +247.5 value in CMT_LEFT_ counter_0210100085 in first and second month in owner account because of which bill amount is showing wrong.




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