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Sanctions ,UI sort issue in Alert List summary (Doc ID 2860869.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 25, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Financial Services Transaction Filtering - Version 8.0.8 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Issue 1 : When we sort the alerts by any given column, it only includes the alerts in that particular screen (depending on “Records Per Page”) for sorting it, whereas it should include all the alerts in the list (irrespective if they are visible or not at that current page).

For Example: I choose to sort by Priority and the result of the 10 alerts in screen are sorted using this criteria
If I increase the records per page and again choose to sort them, I verify that the sorting DID NOT include all the alerts originally.

Issue 2 : Also another problem here is when sorting by priority it does the sorting using an alphabetic criteria and not a logical one (High – Medium – Low).


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