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Questions Regarding SSO, OAM, and User Provisioning in 8.1.2 (Doc ID 2885758.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure - Version 8.1.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA)
Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI / AAI)
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Oracle Access Manager (OAM)
Just in Time (JIT)
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML


The current OFSAA 8.0.5 application is being upgraded to 8.1.2.  Looking for input on following questions for 8.1.2 for SSO, OAM, and User Provisioning:

Question 1. Can OFSAA user access be provisioned through Microsoft active directory? For example AD groups are defined in the application and anyone part of the group gets necessary access.
Question 2. Where is the documentation for configuring OFSAA SSO through Oracle Access Manager?
Question 3. Additional clarification is needed for usage documentation of useraction and userpasswdreset utilities.

3.1. Both usage show an username being passed as a parameter. Is this the user on which action will be performed? The screenshot shows SYSADMN being used which is confusing.
3.2. Is there a list of allowed actions for useraction utility?
3.3. In both cases - useraction and resetpass - the three security questions displayed- are those for the user on which action is being performed?
3.4.  Please confirm that these two utilities will not work as expected in an environment where LDAP Authentication and SMS authorization is in place.

Question 4. Is there a way to schedule and run the 'User Activity Reports' from Identity Management screen or elsewhere?

Question 5: In 8.0.5 OFSAA, there was an option to choose (SMS Auth only checkbox) if an user will use native OFSAA authentication or external SSO provider.  In 8.1.2 OFSAA, is there such an option to control the authentication process at an individual user level, or is it only controllable from 'System Configuration' screen at an environment level?


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