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beVWARS Periodic Charge Plugin Throws an "State machine returned exception: Unsupported request type" Error during Active to Grace State Transitions (Doc ID 2916949.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 4.3.0 to [Release 4.3 to 12.0.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On  all versions of Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC or NCC) up to and including, it is possible for the Periodic Charge (PC) plugin to throw the following exception when a PC is moving from Active to Grace via the Periodic Charge Subscription Node (PCSN) in an Advanced Control Services (ACS) Control Plan (CP):

To reproduce this issue:

1. Create a PC with a custom period, and a grace period 1 day shorter than the PC period
2. Join the PC
3. Move the PC to grace either manually or by depleting the available funds so the next renewal fails
4. On the last day of the grace period, reactivate the PC either by recharging the account or from a PCSN node, then immediately move it back to grace via a PCSN node

This issue causes the PC to become out-of-sync between the two Voucher Wallet Server (VWS) as the exception causes the changes to not be written to a sync file, despite the changes being committed to the local VWS.


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