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Error Message, When Clicking on the Button [Result From Argus Insight] - ORA-00972: identifier is too long (Doc ID 2947200.1)

Last updated on JULY 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety - Version 8.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


From Argus Safety when integrated with Argus Insight ORA-00972: identifier is too long error is thrown when taking below steps:

1. Create a case series in Argus Insight

2. Log into Argus Safety and navigate via: Case Actions > Open > Click on the button  "Result from Argus Insight"


Error No: 1 Description: Please contact your system administrator.;

In the error log see:

Argus Safety.COM :- Oracle error 1 occurred.ORA-00972: identifier is too longORA-06512: at line 1SQL: begin delete from user_active_cases where user_id = :P_USER_ID;commit;insert into USER_ACTIVE_CASES(USER_ID, CASE_ID, CASE_NUM, INIT_REPT_DATE, PRODUCT_NAME, STATE_NAME, LOCKED_STATE, product_name_J) SELECT DISTINCT :P_USER_ID, case_master.case_id, case_master.case_num, case_master.init_rept_date, case_product.product_name, cfg_workflow_states.state_name, case_master.lock_status_id LOCKED,case_product.product_name_J FROM case_master, case_product, cfg_workflow_states, Insight_case_detail cd, Insight_argus_user_map cmaum, Insight_cfg_users cu, insight_case_series ics WHERE case_master.state_id <> 1 AND case_master.case_id = case_product.case_id AND case_master.state_id = cfg_workflow_states.state_id AND case_product.first_sus_prod = 1 AND cmaum.argus_user_id = :P_USER_ID AND cu.user_id = cmaum.mart_user_id AND cu.series_aid = cd.seriesid AND cu.series_aid=ics.seriesid and ics.freeze_flag=0 AND case_master.case_id = cd.case_id ; commit;end; ...

When querying the views Insight_case_detail, Insight_argus_user_map, Insight_cfg_users, insight_case_series over the Database Link (ARGUS_TO_MART), it is noted that all of them are showing the same error message:

"ORA-00972: identifier is too long" if you try to select with column names.

The database link name appears to be too long with the combination global_name and "@ARGUS_TO_MART"




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