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Privilege with Criteria Based on Project's General Information.Created From Template Is Not Working As Expected (Doc ID 2959822.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Agile Product Portfolio Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Need to control the users privilege for the Project based on which Project Template was used to create the Project.
However, even after creating the privilege based on Project's General Information.Created From Template attribute, users cannot perform the action they are privileged to regardless of which template was used to create the Project.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Login to Web Client as admin user, and do Create New > Projects > New, and have two project templates created with below Name:
  2. Login to Java Client as admin user, Go to Admin tab > User Settings > Users, and create a new user: user1
  3. Go to Admin tab > Data Setting > Criteria, and create criteria for Program subclass with name "Test Program I am Team Member of And Created By Template1" and below criteria:
    Program  Team.Name In $USER  And
    General Info.Created From Template Equal To TEMP-PROJECT01  
  4. Go to Admin tab > User Settings > Privileges, and create ViewFile privilege with name "Test-ViewFile-ProjectCreatedFromTemp1" for Program subclass, and select criteria: "Test Program I am Team Member of And Created By Template1".
  5. Create GetFile privilege with name "Test-GetFile-ProjectCreatedFromTemp1" for Program subclass, and select criteria: "Test Program I am Team Member of And Created By Template1".
  6. Go to Admin tab > User Settings > Roles, and create a Role "Test-Role-Get-View-ProjectCreatedFromTemp1", and add below privileges:
    - Test-GetFile-ProjectCreatedFromTemp1
    - Test-ViewFile-ProjectCreatedFromTemp1
  7. Open out of box "Program Team Member" role, and disable below privileges:
    - Get File on All Projects, Programs, Phases, Tasks and Gates
    - View File on All Projects, Programs, Phases, Tasks and Gates
  8. Go to Users tab of the Role, and add user: user1
  9. From Web Client, create a project "PROG-TEMP1-001" from Project Template "TEMP-PROJECT01", and go to Team tab, and add teamuser1 as team member, and grant Role: "Program Team Member". Go to Attachment tab, and add a file.
  10. Create a project "PROG-TEMP2-001" from Project Template "TEMP-PROJECT02", and go to Team tab, and add user1 as team member, and grant Role: "Program Team Member". Go to Attachment tab, and add a file.
  11. Re-login to Web Client as user1. Go to Attachment tab, and add a file
  12. Search and open "PROG-TEMP1-001", go to Attachment tab, and see Get and View button is disabled. This is NOT expected, as the user has privilege for Get File and View File for the Project created from TEMP-PROJECT01. The buttons should be enabled.
  13. Search and open "PROG-TEMP2-001", go to Attachment tab, and see Get and View button is disabled. This is expected.




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