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Unable To Create DQ Check With Validation Against AS_OF_DATE Column (Doc ID 2961231.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI)
Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA)
Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
Modern Risk and Finance (MRF)
Data Quality (DQ)


On AAI 8.1.x version, you created a specific DQ check to abort the batch based on AS_OF_DATE column validation.
However product is implicitly applying date filter to the underlying base table having AS_OF_DATE or FIC_MIS_DATE columns, hence DQ not failing for the expected scenarios.

You would like a solution to avoid data selection for the table based on above columns.

DESC : DQDRM002 Completed - No records matching the Rule criteria
DQ_SQL: SELECT 'DQDRM002' dq_check_id, 0 COUNTER, NULL ranks, NULL row_num, '' v_GENERAL_def_val, 'CURRENT_NBI_DATE check on FSI_M_TP_REPLICATING_PORTFOLIO ' dq_check_desc, 'DQDRM' dq_group_id, 'DQ DRM' dq_group_desc, 'FSI_M_TP_REPLICATING_PORTFOLIO' dq_table_name, 'PATTERN_CD' field_name, 'E' dq_severity, '97' dq_category_counter, to_char(PKNAMES), to_char(PK1), to_char(PK2), to_char(PK3), to_char(PK4), to_char(PK5), to_char(PK6), to_char(PK7), to_char(PK8), to_char(ERRCOL), NULL Range_Case, NULL length_Case, NULL colref_Case, NULL lov_Case, NULL null_Case, NULL blank_Case, NULL ref_Case FROM (select PKNAMES,PK1,PK2,PK3,PK4,PK5,PK6,PK7,PK8,ERRCOL from (SELECT 'PATTERN_CD CORE_NUMBER STRIP_NUMBER' PKNAMES, NULL PK1, NULL PK2, NULL PK3, NULL PK4, NULL PK5, NULL PK6, NULL PK7, NULL PK8, '71003 rollover date is not correct' ERRCOL FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN AS_OF_DATE = to_date(20220930,'yyyymmdd') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END STATUS FROM <atomic>.FSI_M_TP_REPLICATING_PORTFOLIO WHERE PATTERN_CD = 71003 AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y' ) X WHERE X.STATUS <> 0) CUSTOM_SQL)


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