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Case Portal - The Transition To The Contact Person From The Context Menu Works Incorrectly (Doc ID 2973823.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


**Examples provided in this article do not represent real life personal/confidential information**

**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:

CCB - Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

UI - User Interface


The problem described below refers to the Case Portal (C1CASE).

Noticed that in the case of Contact Person, using the context menu to go to the Person Portal encourages a transition to the wrong person.

This happens, because in the UI Map "C1-CaseContactInfoDisplayFrag" is used the FK Refernce "PER" with nawigation option "CI0000001382" which refers to the PER_ID field.
In this case, use the navigation option which refers to the CONTACT_PER_ID field instead.

The easiest way to solve the problem:
  - create the navigation option which refers to the CONTACT_PER_ID field
  - override the navigation option for FK Reference "PER" in the UI Map "C1-CaseContactInfoDisplayFrag"

Nice to have: being able to go to the Person Portal for CONTACT_PER_ID.

The person portal should go to the right person.


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