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All RMS Errors Create 'Permanent' Entries In LOGGER_LOGS Which Cannot Be Deleted (Doc ID 2986046.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 15, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Merchandising System - Version 16.0.3 to 16.0.3 [Release 16.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 16.0.3 version, Other

As part of the RMS installation, the PL/SQL Logging capabilities are installed and anytime an error is encountered the functions in the SQL_LIB package procedure will create entries in the LOGGER_LOGS table using the following function:

  logger.log_permanent('sql_lib.create_msg message:'||L_merged_text);

Errors logged via SQL_LIB should make use of the logger.log_error function so that the LOGGER_LEVEL is set to 2 correctly and thus will be purged regularly.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1.Query LOGGER_LOGS and see that errors are logged with LOGGER_LEVEL = 1

The issue has the following business impact:

Since all records are created as 'Permanent' (i.e. LOGGER_LEVEL = 1) the purging job that runs to maintain LOGGER_LOGS will not remove any records. Since the purging job is designed to remove records at a level higher than 'Permanent' nothing will be removed. This is a challenge for Kroger as the LOGGER_LOGS table takes up 100s of GBs of space and should be maintained automatically. The only option would be to TRUNCATE LOGGER_LOGS, but Kroger wants to maintain 1 to 2 weeks of data at all times for research.


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