Sensus Adapter OSB Errors When Processing Voltage Data
(Doc ID 2997926.1)
Last updated on JUNE 04, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Sensus RNI - Version to [Release 2.3 to 2.5]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Issue - An error occurs when processing Voltage data.
Steps -
Steps to Recreate
1. Drop a Sensus file that does not contain an interval field into the poll directory.
2. File is picked up from the poll directory.
3. Notice that IMD is not created.
4. Go to Communications->Activity->Search and Search By “Payload Statistics Query” using the drop file name.
5. Notice the following error occurs : ‘11801- 12802: Error occurred in OSB message flow.
Code: OSB-382510. Reason: OSB Assign action failed updating variable
"genInitialLoadIMDList": Error parsing XML: {err}XP0021: "": can not cast to
{}integer: error: decimal: Invalid decimal value: expected
at least one digit. Location: PipelinePairNode1PipelinePairNode1_requeststage1requestpipeline.’
Notice the following error occurs : ‘11801- 12802: Error occurred in OSB message flow.
Code: OSB-382510. Reason: OSB Assign action failed updating variable
"genInitialLoadIMDList": Error parsing XML: {err}XP0021: "": can not cast to
{}integer: error: decimal: Invalid decimal value: expected
at least one digit. Location: PipelinePairNode1PipelinePairNode1_requeststage1requestpipeline.’
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Symptoms |
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Cause |
Solution |
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