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Settlement Date is Not Updated for Pricing Rules after Updating Paid End Date (Doc ID 3062430.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing - Version to [Release 5.0 to 7]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On RMB v5., Settlement Date is not updated for Aggregate Stop Loss (ASL) or Level Funding (LF) Pricing Rules after Updating Specific Stop Loss (SSL) Paid End Date.

- Transactions have been done for ASL and LF Pricing Rules.
- User wants to extend the settlement date by updating the Paid End Date on SSL.
- User will do transactions and billing on the extended period.
- SSL accumulation group remains in Active status.

Now after updating the Parent SSL Pricing Rule Paid End Date under Accumulation Parameters section (later than Pricing Rule End Date), System automatically updates the SSL Settlement Date based on the new Paid End Date + Settlement Days. It also auto updates the ASL and LF Paid End Date in sync with new SSL Pricing Rule Paid End Date. However, ASL and LF Settlement Date do not get updated.

ASL and LF Settlement Date do not get updated.
ASL and LF accumulation groups moved to Settled.

ASL and LF Settlement Date should get updated after their updated Paid End Date.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Set SSL Pricing Rule
2. Update Parent SSL Paid End Date (extend it from 04-30-2024 to 05-31-2024)
3. Under Accumulation Parameters section:
  - System updates the SSL Settlement Date based on the new Paid End Date + Settlement Days
  - It also auto updates the ASL and LF Paid End Date in sync with new SSL Pricing Rule Paid End Date
  - However, ASL and LF Settlement Date do not get updated after their Paid End Date got updated


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