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Data Collections Does Not Collect Changes Correctly When The Supplier OR Customer Name Is Changed (Doc ID 465584.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


There is an issue with data collections where certain trading partner data changes are not being pulled in table msc_trading_partners during a complete, targeted or net refresh of data collections. 
Whenever there is a change to an existing trading partner name (Customer or Vendor name), the changed name is not reflected in the collected data.  The name change can come from two sources:

  1. There can be a simple change of name.
  2. Two trading partners might merge together into one entity.
  3. The sr_instance_id = -1 for the row in the table msc_trading_partners


  1. Merge two or more existing trading partner names into one.  Or,  just change the name of an existing trading partner name.
  2. Run Data Collections.
  3. Check the collected data in the collection workbench form or in msc_trading_partners.


Change existing trading partner names.


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