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Peers Of Same Channel Shows Different Disk Usage Reported By Oracle Blockchain REST API (Doc ID 2623205.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

Applies to:

Blockchain Platform Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Peers measure different disk usage amount in a same channel when collected disk usage metric data using following REST API "/console/admin/api/v1.1/dashboard/statistics/nodeRes"

When Tested by retrieving the matrix data and comparing the disk usage amount(disk size change) between peers. Found that:

- Most of the case that the disk size change for peers in a same channel will be similar.
- However, some of the case showing there is a difference of disk usage change between them.

What is the cause of the different disk usage for peers even when they are part of same channel?

There is different disk usage reported for peer2-1 when compared to peer2-2 for instance "Test1"
Instance name: Test1 (For time from "<startTime_Of_REST_Call>" to "<endTime_Of_REST_Call>")
peer2-1 --> Disk change: 0.007(0.332-0.325)
peer2-2 --> Disk change: 0.014(0.309-0.295)

There is different disk usage reported for peer0-1 when compared to peer0-2 for instance "Test2"
Instance name: Test2 (For time from "<startTime_Of_REST_Call>" to "<endTime_Of_REST_Call>" )
peer0-1 --> Disk change: -0.005(0.464-0.469)
peer0-2 --> Disk change: 0.005(0.493-0.488)


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