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Case Study of Calculating for Credited Transaction Associated to Specific Role (Doc ID 2791992.1)

Last updated on APRIL 14, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation Cloud Service - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document will show how to calculate commission for credit assigned to specific role.


Participant is assigned to two compensation roles that have the same plan component in their compensation plans.  This is causing the credited transaction to generate double commission.

1. Compensation plans assigned to compensation roles :
   Participant Assignments > Manage Compensation Plan > Role Assignments
       Compensation Plan     Role Name                            Start Date    End Date
       Demo Comp Plan A     Demo Compensation Role A    1/1/18        12/31/18
       Demo Comp Plan B     Demo Compensation Role B    1/1/18        12/31/18

2. Assign the roles to participant (Rep1 Demo)
   a. Participant Snapshot > Manage Participant Details > Role Assignments
       Role Start Date   Role End Date    Role Name                       
       1/1/2018           3/31/2018         Demo Compensation Role A
       1/1/2018           blank                Demo Compensation Role B
   b. Participant Snapshot > Manage Compensation Plans > Plans Assigned by Role
       Compensation Plan    Role Name                            Effective Start Date   Effective End Date
       Demo Comp Plan A    Demo Compensation Role A    1/1/18                      3/31/18
       Demo Comp Plan B    Demo Compensation Role B    1/1/18                    12/31/18

3. Direct Credit Rules
    Participant Assignments > Manage Direct Credit Rules
       Credit Rule Name = Demo Credit Rule A
       Credit Receivers :
          Type         Participant Name    Role                                    Split Percent    Revenue Type   Start Date    End Date
          Individual  Rep1 Demo           Demo Compensation Role A      100             Revenue          1/1/18         3/31/18
          Individual  Rep1 Demo           Demo Compensation Role B       75              Norevenue       1/1/18        12/31/18

4. Create transaction, calculate, and review results shows duplicate earnings
    Credits and Earnings > Manage Earnings



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