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What are some frequently asked questions and answers from Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service (OFS) administrators regarding the Cloud Portal / Cloud Console? (Doc ID 2924705.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 08, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service - Version 22.C.00 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service customers should use Oracle Cloud Portal / Cloud Console to request environment refresh (formerly known as instance recreate), manage quarterly update dates, apply Weekly Maintenance Packs and reset admin passwords.

Below you find some of the most frequently asked questions from our OFS customers when using Oracle Cloud Portal / Cloud Console, aggregated in 3 sections.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Update Schedule functionality
 Q: I would like to postpone my PROD update but the day I want to choose is grayed out. Why is that?
 Q: I have one PROD environment and two TEST environments with my subscription. In the Update Schedule tab I am not able to change the Update schedule. Why is that?
 Q: Can I schedule a Weekly Maintenance Pack using the Service Console?
 Q: The default update window for my company is 21:00 CDT/CST. Can I change it to a later time?
 Refresh functionality
 Q: How long will it take to copy data from Production to Test? Will the request be processed during the day?
 Q: Is it possible to give specific Users the ability to refresh specific environments from specific environments? (e.g. Prod to Test or Test to Test only)
 Q: Can a user have access only to the Environment Refresh option and not the Reset Admin or Rename environment options?
 Q: Based on our current data size in Production, how long would it be expected to take to refresh an environment using this new functionality?
 Q: Why isn't there a TEST to PRODUCTION option after the initial “go-live” refresh?
 Q: How do I know the process is complete?
 Q: Can I specify the date and time of the refresh operation?
 Q: What if we are not on current or previous Generally Available release?
 Q: Can I pick and choose what configuration items I want refreshed?
 Q: Will any data be lost during the process?
 Q: Will I need to configure anything after the process is complete?
 Q: What if my environment is on a different release version?
 Q: Is there a risk that something will not be copied?
 Q: Will there be any exceptions to this policy (e.g. copy activity data, requests to perform the work immediately, change the refresh frequency, etc.)?
 Q: It has been 1 month since we went live and a significant amount of changes were made in one of the TEST environments, can you move these to PRODUCTION?
 Q: How many refresh operations can I request?
 Q: How can I make sure that outbound communications won't be sent for Prod users after Production to Test data copy?
 Q: How to get admin user if I decide to start configuration over?
 Accounts and Permissions
 Q: There are other functionalities within the Cloud Portal / Cloud Console pages for other non-OFS products, such as SAAS PAAS and Identity Cloud. What does this do in the context of our day to day use of OFS? Is Cloud Identity Service just to control access to the Cloud Portal / Cloud Console or does it serve some other purpose in connection with OFS?
 Q: When I select a User and navigate to Roles tab, I see several Services ande Environments. How do I assign 'Admin Role' to one specific Service but not for others? I want the User to be admin for Field Service product only.
 Q: I am the Field Service admin but it looks like I lost access to Field Service console. When I try to open Field Service console I am redirected to a blank screen. What do I do?

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