Credit Note Failed With Balancing Error during Posting
(Doc ID 2986477.1)
Last updated on NOVEMBER 10, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Retail Invoice Matching Cloud Service - Version 19.3 to 19.3 [Release 19.3]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Credit Note failing with balancing error.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Include items in a PO with few items having VAT as 20% and few items having VAT = 0;
2. Ship and receive the PO.
3. Create invoice for the PO with cost discrepancy.
4. Resolve the discrepancy.
5. Create a credit note with few items. All items having VAT 20%.
6. Create another credit note. Few items have VAT 20% and remaining have VAT 0.
7. Edit the second credit note having tax as 0 such that it defaults tax code with 20% VAT rate.
8. Run Posting batch.
9. Note it fails with balancing error. Header amount does not equal detail amount.
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