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SOCS: UIN Spaces Are Getting Removed From The DSD Receiving Screen (Doc ID 3019152.1)

Last updated on APRIL 29, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service - Version 19.9 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When scanning or entering the serial number manually (For example UIN=B 46006) in SOCS as part of the DSD receiving process, SOCS will automatically remove the spaces 'B46006' on the Item Detail screen.

Steps To Recreate:
1) In the SOCS handheld application, go to the receiving -> DSD Receiving section
2) On the DSD Receiving screen, select the 'Create Receipt' Button
3) Scan/Enter an item # 61953001 that requires a UIN to be entered
4) Select a supplier from the list
5) Click the Yes button on the pop-up message to create the receipt
6) Click the 'Create' Button on the bottom left to create a new container
7) On the container screen, scan/enter the item # 61953001 from step 3
8) Once item is added, scan enter the UIN for the item in the item field. Ensure that the UIN entered has a space ( i.e B 46006)
9) The UIN will be added under the item, but the spaces included in the UIN will be removed to B46006.




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