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Fixed Deals Not Flowing To OFC (Via ReIM) (Doc ID 3062286.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 05, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service - Version 24.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Some fixed deals not flowing to OFC (via ReIM). Checking the DB tables (FIXED_DEAL, FIXED_DEAL_MERCH_LOC) we can see the information flowing correctly. The departments and location looks according to the deal details but don't appear in the tables STAGE_FIXED_DEAL_HEAD and STAGE_FIXED_DEAL_DETAIL.

Noticed that the items of those deals don't have relation with the supplier (site):

select * from item_supp_country where item in
(select item from item_master where dept in (select dept from fixed_deal_merch where deal_no='XXXXXX'))
and supplier='YYY';



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