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SYSTEM_OPTIONS.ALLOC_METHOD 'P' Not Working As Expected (Doc ID 3062853.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service - Version 24.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Per Data model definition, system_options.alloc_method column contains the preferred allocation method which is used to distribute goods when the stock received at a warehouse cannot immediately fill all requested allocations to stores. Valid values are: A -Allocation quantity based, P - Prorate method.

However same results are seen when system_options.alloc_method is set to either A or P, so it is not possible to leverage distribution logic for 'P' option.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Set SYSTEM_OPTIONS.Alloc_method =A.
2. Create a PO with allocations to two store, receive less quantity than the total allocation. Check PO_RCVD_QTY value in ALLOC_DETAIL.
3. Now repeat same test with Alloc_method =P.
4. Same results as for Option A.


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