Getting ORA-1403 , ORA-26753 or Interrogation Symbol "?" in Streams after Changing the Characterset
(Doc ID 1403615.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 17, 2021
Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.1]Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Gen 1 Exadata Cloud at Customer (Oracle Exadata Database Cloud Machine) - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
So it is not a db link issue it is only streams issue as streams not aware of the changing in CharacterSet.In a bi-directional Streams setup replication working fine.
But after changing the CharacterSet each database stores and shows the correct characters we can save any text and read it again without problems, but the whole text content, replicated by streams, goes corrupt.
When updating site A with the select done from site B using database link, and the data is fine (remains fine for both sides).
If creating new tables with Latin characters and streaming them , it works as expected.
The CharacterSet changed according to Oracle guideline (procedure, described in Oracle Globalization Guide, with CS-Scanner and CSALTER).
The streams were stopped before change and started again after change made. Also, verified that queues were empty before changing the CharacterSet.
This occurred and verified for the following changes :
Changing from WE8ISO8859P15 to EE8MSWIN1250
Changing from US7ASCII to WE8MSWIN1252
Changing from WE8MSWIN1252 to UTF8
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