Node Migration on Oracle Big Data Appliance V4.0 OL6 Hadoop Cluster to Manage a Hardware Failure
(Doc ID 1946210.1)
Last updated on AUGUST 13, 2024
Applies to:
Big Data Appliance Integrated Software - Version 4.0 and laterLinux x86-64
This note describes functionality provided by the bdacli utility to maintain services on a BDA Hadoop cluster in the event of a failing server with as little interruption as possible.
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In this Document
Purpose |
Details |
Introduction to BDA Hadoop node migration |
Additional Node migration considerations before starting |
Overview of bdacli options for managing failed servers. |
The failing server is the server where Mammoth is installed |
The failing server is a critical node |
The failing server is a noncritical node |
Known Issues with V4.0 node Migration |
Known Issues - General |
Known Issues Decommission |
Known Issues Node 3 Migration |
Known Issues with Node 2 Reprovision |
Known Issues with Node 1 Migration |
Mandatory Prerequisites |
Best Practices |
Testing |
BDA CDH node migration detailed steps |
Critical Node 3 failure. Testing done with node reimage. |
Overview of the steps |
Detailed steps |
Critical Node 1 failure. Testing done with node shutdown. |
Overview of the steps |
Detailed Steps |
Noncritical Node failure. Testing done with node reimage. |
Overview of the steps |
Detailed Steps |
Noncritical Node failure. Testing done with node shutdown. |
Overview of the steps |
Detailed Steps |
Known Issues After V4.0 node Migration |
Known Issues Node 4 Migration |
References |