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Node Migration on Oracle Big Data Appliance V4.0 OL6 Hadoop Cluster to Manage a Hardware Failure (Doc ID 1946210.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 13, 2024

Applies to:

Big Data Appliance Integrated Software - Version 4.0 and later
Linux x86-64


This note describes functionality provided by the bdacli utility to maintain services on a BDA Hadoop cluster in the event of a failing server with as little interruption as possible.


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In this Document
 Introduction to BDA Hadoop node migration
 Additional Node migration considerations before starting
 Overview of bdacli options for managing failed servers.
 The failing server is the server where Mammoth is installed
 The failing server is a critical node
 The failing server is a noncritical node
 Known Issues with V4.0 node Migration
 Known Issues - General
 Known Issues Decommission
 Known Issues Node 3 Migration
 Known Issues with Node 2 Reprovision
 Known Issues with Node 1 Migration
 Mandatory Prerequisites
 Best Practices
 BDA CDH node migration detailed steps
 Critical Node 3 failure.  Testing done with node reimage.
 Overview of the steps
 Detailed steps
 Critical Node 1 failure.  Testing done with node shutdown.
 Overview of the steps
 Detailed Steps
 Noncritical Node failure.  Testing done with node reimage.
 Overview of the steps
 Detailed Steps
 Noncritical Node failure.  Testing done with node shutdown.
 Overview of the steps
 Detailed Steps
 Known Issues After V4.0 node Migration
 Known Issues Node 4 Migration

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