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TNS listener dies shortly after startup after running jisdr.sql (Doc ID 197506.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 06, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.0.1]
HP OpenVMS Alpha



Problem Description

After manually installing JAVAVM, the TNS listener dies shortly after
starting. An access violation (accvio) occurs in tnslsnr_64.exe This 
accvio only happens when the database is set up for shared 
servers (formerly MTS).

The access violation is shown below.

$ tnslsnr listener -inherit 
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, 
virtual address=0000000000000354, PC=00000000002A6380, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine             line      rel PC           abs PC    
 TNSLSNR_64  NTZ  ntzread              143005 00000000000055B0 00000000002A6380
 TNSLSNR_64  NSR  nsrah                131543 0000000000001504 00000000001E9FD4
 TNSLSNR_64  NSEV  nsevSetNT           135390 0000000000008908 00000000001D1538
 TNSLSNR_64  NSEV  nsevreg             136181 000000000000C4FC 00000000001D512C
 TNSLSNR_64  NSEV  nsevrgs             136231 000000000000C8E0 00000000001D5510
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLSN  nsgllsn           149775 0000000000003A64 000000000018B8E4
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLE  nsglecrt           142073 00000000000000D4 00000000001A9414
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLGR  nsglgrDoRegister  143376 00000000000018C4 00000000001AAEA4
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLRO  nsglrohe          141965 0000000000000724 00000000001998A4
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLSN  nsglhe            150978 0000000000006724 000000000018E5A4
 TNSLSNR_64  NSGLSN  nsglma            151881 00000000000089BC 000000000019083C
 TNSLSNR_64  S0NSGL  main              141143 0000000000000204 0000000000181EE4
 TNSLSNR_64  S0NSGL  __main                 0 000000000000006C 0000000000181D4C
 PTHREAD$RTL                                0 0000000000037550 000000007BBB3550
 PTHREAD$RTL                                0 00000000000183E4 000000007BB943E4
                                            0 FFFFFFFF8025D3F4 FFFFFFFF8025D3F4

The listener log shows the following information:


The instance may crash with the PMON trace showing the following stack trace.

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksnwait:nsevwait], [], [], [], [], 
ksedst:2881585       CALL     skdstgframe 
ksedmp:2881028       CALL     ksedst (^x1688070)   
kgerinv:473951       CALL     ksedmp (^x1687350)    
kgesinv:474165       CALL     kgerinv (^x2bfd640)   
ksesin:2880416       CALL     kgesinv (^x2bfdc70)   
ksnwait:2890303      CALL     ksesin (^x1686100)    
ksliwat:2889364      CALL     ksnwait (^x170c520)   
kslwaitns:2889533    CALL     ksliwat (^x16cbd90)   
kskthbwt:2888905     CALL     kslwaitns (^x16ccc2   
kslwait:2889519      CALL     kskthbwt (^x16bea80            
ksucln:2883326       CALL     kslwait (^x16ccb60)   
ksbrdp:2882066       CALL     ksucln (^x17681f0)    
opirip:2876915       CALL     ksbrdp (^x1669410)    
opidrv:2893174       CALL     opirip (^x1b10560)    
sou2o:2881836        CALL     opidrv (^x1b0e5f0)    
main:2888644         CALL     sou2o (^x1e249a0)     




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