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Troubleshooting "ERROR: Clock drift" Errors Reported on a BDA Server During Node Reprovision and Generally (Doc ID 2143786.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 01, 2022

Applies to:

Big Data Appliance Integrated Software - Version 3.0 and later
Linux x86-64


NOTE: In the examples that follow, user details, cluster names, hostnames, directory paths, filenames, etc. represent a fictitious sample (and are used to provide an illustrative example only). Any similarity to actual persons, or entities, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner. 

This note provides troubleshooting tips on resolving cluster checks errors regarding clock drift on a BDA server. Output reported may look like:

SUCCESS: Arp timing checks successfully completed
INFO: Checking for clock drift on all nodes
ERROR: Clock drift on node bdanode01 is too much (30 seconds)
ERROR: Local time: 1463420307 Node bdanode01 time: 1463420277

This can happen during a bdacheckcluster, node reprovision, or during other Mammoth actions during a health check.

Verifying with 'dcli -C date' shows one node is more that 30 seconds off from the rest of the nodes in the cluster.

The example in this note is from a Node 1 Step 1 reprovision failure. In this case Node 1, being added back into the cluster, is more than 30 seconds off from the rest of the cluster. This causes the Node 1 reprovision to fail during the prerequisite checks.


Troubleshooting Steps

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Troubleshooting Steps

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