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ORA-7445 [xsSCREL] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR:0x20] [PC:0x7FF7633B8403] [UNABLE_TO_READ] (Doc ID 2745573.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle OLAP - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


NOTE: In the images and/or the document content below, the user information and environment data used represents fictitious data from the Oracle sample or bulit-in schema(s),
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ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [xsBASENUM()+46]
which may be associated with the error " Unable to normalize symbol name for the following short stack"

A rerun of the same code completed successfully.

This was the context in the alert log:

[PC:0x147A4F44E, xsBASENUM()+46]
ERROR: Unable to normalize symbol name for the following short stack (at
offset 214):

xsSCREL <- xsSCVALS <- xsSCLARG <- xsSCLIMT <- xsLIF1
<- xsLIFUNC <- xsCGFC <- xsGETEXP <- xsSET <- xsILPCOMP <- xsCOMP
<- xsINTERP <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsILPENG <- xsxeq_pcode <- xsxeq_guardedpcode
<- xsxeq_pcode <- xsXEQ <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsILPENG <- xsxeq_pcode
<- xsxeq_guardedpcode <- xsxeq_pcode <- xsXEQ <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsILPENG
<- xsxeq_pcode <- xsXEQ <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsILPENG <- xsxeq_pcode
<- xsXEQ <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsILPENG <- xsxeq_pcode <- xsXEQ
<- xsEXECUT <- xsILPXEQ <- xsILPCALL <- xsINTERP <- xsINTERPVC <- xsCmdExc
<- xsCmdExcKL <- spefcmpa <- spefmccallstd <- pextproc <- peftrusted <- psdexsp
<- rpiswu2 <- kxe_push_env_internal_pp_ <- kkx_push_env_for_ICD_for_new_session <- psdextp <- pefccal <- pefcal
<- pevm_FCAL

The failing sql is
begin <<<AW_OWNER>>>.<<<AW_NAME>>>(:strAWExecute, :outval); end





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