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Spanish Characters Are Getting Distorted In UI (Doc ID 2891171.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, RDBMS

Spanish characters are getting distorted in UI

There is some Spanish text stored in a table in database. Application selects that Spanish text and send email to users. The Spanish text in the subject looks fine but the same Spanish text in the email body is getting distorted. Please note that we are using NLS_LANG setting as AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 in the database. Below is the text stored in table:

Subject- Código de invitación para acceder a su $exchangeName cuenta



Hola ${firstName} ${lastName},
  Gracias por visitar $exchangeName. Use el código de invitación a continuación para acceder a su cuenta existente.
Su código de invitación:


42 rows selected.


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In this Document
 Hola ${firstName} ${lastName},
   Gracias por visitar $exchangeName. Use el código de invitación a continuación para acceder a su cuenta existente.
 Su código de invitación:

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