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Analytic Workspace Build(Refresh) Fails With Cannot Submit Job (Doc ID 557312.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle OLAP - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


- We have an AW maintenance / refresh script or procedure that contains BuildType="BACKGROUND", so that the AW maintenance task will be sent to the Oracle Job queue.

- When we execute the AW maintenance / refresh script or procedure, we do not get any errors in the foreground, the script/procedure has been executed successfully.

- However when we look into the build/refresh log (see <Note 351688.1> for details) we see that the maintenance/refresh task failed with:
13:29:39 Failed to Submit a Job to Build(Refresh) Analytic Workspace <schema>.<AW Name>.
13:29:39 ***Error Occured in BUILD_DRIVER

- In the generated SQL trace for the session of the user who launches the AW build/refresh script or procedure, we see that ORA-27486 insufficient privileges error occurred at creation of the job.

We see from the relevant bit of the SQL trace that err=27486 occured while executing the #20 statement which is 'begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB ...', and the statement is parsed and tried to be executed as user having uid=91:
PARSING IN CURSOR #20 len=118 dep=2 uid=91 oct=47 lid=91 tim=1176987702199571 
hv=1976722458 ad='76dd8bcc'
begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB(:1, 'plsql_block', :2, 0, null, null, null,
'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS', true, true, :3); end;
PARSE #20:c=1000,e=1100,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=2,og=1,tim=1176987702199561
EXEC #20:c=65990,e=125465,p=10,cr=1090,cu=3,mis=1,r=0,dep=2,og=1,tim=
ERROR #20:err=27486 tim=465202984


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