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iProcurement FAQ: Order Items (Doc ID 109497.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle iProcurement
Information in this document applies to any platform.


1.  How can an item be ordered?
2.  How can an item be ordered when it cannot be located or found?
3.  How can a frequently-ordered item be reordered?
4.  What is the difference between Checkout and Power Checkout?
5.  What is a Non-Catalog Request (special order)?
6.  What does checking the 'Urgent Order' checkbox mean?
7.  What parameters can be used when searching for an item?
8.  How are wildcard searches performed?
9.  Where is the charge account link after selected multiple items from the cart to edit?    
10. What are the categories displayed in the LOV of Category under Non-Catalog Request while using REALMS? 
11. Why item price does not get updated in the Requisition Template when item is imported via bulkload?
12. Can users delete line(s) from approved requisition  that were not placed on PO/Sales order?
13. What are the categories displayed in the LOV of Category under Non-Catalog Request? 
14. What is the meaning of the blue dot in iProcurement?
15. How to change the price of an approved and returned requisition from a buyer due to incorrect pricing?
16. What is the column heading "Special Info" in the Shopping Cart contents page?
17. Why text attachment with indentation does not show the correct format in view attachments through iProcurement while it is in the correct format through Core Purchasing?
18. How to eliminate Proceed to Checkout button? 
19. How to eliminate Express Checkout button?

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