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Output Post Processor (OPP) Request Log Contains Warning "The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor to finish this request." (Doc ID 1226233.1)

Last updated on APRIL 17, 2024

Applies to:

BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher) - Version 5.6.3 to 5.6.3 [Release 5]
BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher) - Version 12.0 to 12.2 [Release 12.0 to 12.2]
Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version to 12.2 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Reviewed for Relevance 13 Dec 2017.


This document is intended for System Administrators. This note is generic in nature and is not designed to address product-specific issues. Individual product data is to be addressed by the product team that owns the XML data.

The purpose of this document is to outline bugs/patches, notes, knowledge base, and community resources for addressing the warning "The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor to finish this request."

The errors occurs when the time set for the final output file exceeds the amount of time specified in the time set for processing the request.  This is the amount of time the manager will wait for the OPP to actually process the request.

Once the Output Post Processor picks up the request, the BI Publisher engine is invoked to generate the final output file. The time that this takes will depends on various elements such as:

size of the XML Data File
complexity of the template
performance of the server

The package body (AFCPOPRB.pls) and spec (AFCPOPRS.pls)can be found at the following location: patch/115/sql
Example: patch/115/sql/AFCPOPRB.pls

The timeout profiles are set in seconds.
CONC_PP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: specifies the amount of time a manager waits for OPP to respond to its request for post processing.
CONC_PP_PROCESS_TIMEOUT: specifies the amount of time the manager waits for the OPP to actually process the request.

Setting these profiles will allow a System Administrator to control the timeout value of the the OPP. 
Some reports like e.g. Create Accounting are expected to take up quite some time in the post
processing phase and every customer trying to do so will hit a timeout the first time they try to run such a job.  By default a timeout will occur if it takes longer then 300 seconds (5 min.) for the BI Publisher engine to generate the output file. The concurrent request will complete with status Warning and the request log will contain the warning.

The default value of the Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout profile option should be increased as it is not reasonable to assume that 99% of our seeded reports are expected to take up only a maximum of 5 minutes. Small reports based upon XML Publisher are typically embedded directly with in the application (Oracle Forms, OA Framework) whereas the larger reports are executed via Concurrent Processing hence the need to increase the default timeout value.

To obtain the Output Post Processor Request log file, follow the navigation below:
1.  Select the System Administrator responsibility.
2.  Select the menu Request - View.
3.  Select the Find button.
4.  Select the XML Publisher report that completed with warning.
5.  Select the View Log button.
6.  The log file will contain a warning similar to the following:

The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor to finish this request.
Check that there are enough Output Post-processor service processes running.
More information may be found in the service process logfile.

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