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Credit Memos, Created Through Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA), Error in AutoInvoice Import with Invalid Future GL Dates (Doc ID 1294916.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Receivables - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


You are running AutoInvoice, for credit memos imported from Order Management.

When the Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) records are created in the interface table, they error with the following error, because the TRX_DATE field is populated with an invalid date.

Unable to derive a gl date for your transaction. Please ensure that your transaction is in a gl period which you have defined.

For Example:
The dates on the AutoInvoice Interface table may look like this:
TRX_DATE = 2017-01-11
SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL = 2011-01-17
SALES_ORDER_DATE = 2011-01-17

The year and day is getting exchanged.

You are submitting Autoinvoice as part of a request set; Selecting the SYSDATE and populating the parameter Default Date for RAXMTR.




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