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R12: AP: Incomplete Supplier Merge Records Due To Duplicate Invoices (Doc ID 1357813.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Payables - Version 12.0.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Find Incomplete supplier merge records due to duplicate invoices.


Expect to clear incomplete supplier merges in R12.


R11i had incomplete supplier merge records due to duplicate invoices. So each time a new supplier merge is submitted, one concurrent program is kicked off and the output also reflects the previously incomplete supplier merges.

Post-Upgrade (R12)
All incomplete supplier merge records had been migrated. When a new supplier merge is submitted, this, in turn, kicks off a concurrent request for the new supplier merge. Also, the submission kicks off individual concurrent requests for each outstanding supplier merge record (there are many incomplete merges due to duplicate invoices and the system kicks off multiple concurrent requests)
We would like to clear all these incomplete supplier merges. We are not able to adjust duplicate invoice numbers due to the current AP setups.
Please provide us a solution to clear these incomplete merges.

Issue also presents like this:

****Oracle Payables has not merged this invoice since it would be a duplicate for this supplier

The problem here is as per - R12: Invoice and Invoice Distribution Adjustment
Charts - Explains what Fields can be Adjusted on an Invoice and when the
System Prevents Update:Doc ID 1300672.1 R12: Invoice and Invoice Distribution Adjustment Charts - Explains what Fields can be Adjusted on an Invoice and when the System Prevents Update

Cannot adjust Invoice Number field if:

- Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices Payables option is disabled and the
invoice is paid or partially paid.
- Invoice is a prepayment and is encumbered.
- Invoice is cancelled.
- Invoice has an unaccounted void payment.
- Invoice has withholding tax distributions.
- Invoice has a prepayment applied to it.
- Invoice is purchase order matched.
- Sequential document number present.
- Invoice is a prepayment.
- Invoice is accounted.

One of the invoices in this particular merge is accounted and the other is

The system will not allow the update of the invoice number via the


 Symptoms may also present like:


Supplier merge is failing due to duplicate invoices.

The following is an example line displayed in the Supplier Merge Report:

Invoice Invoice Invoice
Duplicate  Currency Invoice Number  Date          Description                                     Amount
----------  ---------  -----------------  ------------  -------------------------------   -----------------
Yes        EUR          XXXXxxxxxx      12-MAY-11          <Description>                     0.00
*** Oracle Payables has not merged this invoice since it would be a duplicate for this supplier




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